05 Jul Free Children’s Bible Curriculum | Bible Blast
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Have you been looking for the perfect free children’s Bible Curriculum? Then look no more. Bible Blast is for you! Our free sample will give you a taste of all the wonderful things you’ll get to enjoy when you order our curriculum. If you can’t wait to find out more, here are just a few of the reasons that you should consider using our curriculum:Help your children grow spiritually
Spiritual growth isn’t something that will just happen on its own in your children’s lives. Intentional effort must be made in order to help them grow and cultivate their spiritual lives. Putting in place a framework of reading the word of God, meditating on it, and praying, will help your children grow spiritually in this season and in all the seasons to come.Feeding on the word of God through our free children’s Bible curriculum will greatly enhance every area of your children’s lives. The word of God tells us that the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. You can help your children face every situation that comes their way with the peace and assurance that God is with them and that they are secure with Him.
When others might be afraid and confused, your children will have the foundation in place, knowing that they are children of God and filled with His spirit. The word of God is powerful, and the more that you sow it into your children’s hearts, the more return that they will get. Even when it might not seem like the word isn’t having an impact, it is. In a world where culture, ideas, and values, are constantly changing, the word of God never changes.
It always remains the same. It’s a touchstone that your children can return to throughout their entire lives to gain a fresh and untainted perspective of who they are, of what is right and wrong, and of how they can conduct their lives in a way that is pleasing to God and that will bless and benefit everyone around them. Our free children’s Bible curriculum is the first step towards helping your children be a success for the rest of their lives. Our free children’s Bible curriculum can make all the difference!
Prepare your children
Preparation goes far beyond just regular school. In order for your children to truly be prepared for what life will throw at them, they need to be grounded in the word. Our free children’s Bible curriculum can help with this.Peer pressure and social influences can be so destructive in a child’s life. A child that doesn’t know who they are in God‘s word and doesn’t have a clear perspective about right and wrong will be driven through life by a need to be accepted by those around them. This sets children on a destructive path where they live not to please God but to please whichever circle they happen to be in. It is in these situations where moral compromise is most likely to take place. Even children that have grown up in a Christian family, if they don’t have the word of God in their own hearts and truly know it for themselves, they are likely to fall to the wayside because their faith was never truly their own.
Our free children’s Bible curriculum can be the difference between your children following God or following the world. Taking a hold of the word of God from a young age will help them be an influencer rather than just be influenced by their surroundings. They will be equipped for the hardships of life, and they will know that a God that loves them is always there to help. There is no greater gift you can give to your children then the confidence, peace, and assurance, that comes from a steady relationship with God. Our free children’s Bible curriculum will help you raise your children up in a loving relationship with their Heavenly Father.
Help your children be world-changers
The world is waiting for believers to get a hold of the fact that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Our free children’s Bible curriculum will bring clarity that everywhere we go, we are His hands and His feet.That we are the ones who are to diffuse the fragrance of God among men. Revival is of the heart, and the start of a revival in your children’s lives begins with them learning the word of God. Our free children’s Bible curriculum wants to help your children begin to see and understand everything that God has for them.
Help them learn their value
The world is always trying to tell your children that their value is derived from their appearance, from what they can do at school, or how well they can play sports. The value system of the world is all performance-based. It’s a dog-eat-dog world where getting to the top is the only thing that matters.People live their entire lives striving to attain something that will ultimately leave them unfulfilled. They try to gain appreciation and acceptance from man rather than understanding that their appreciation and acceptance should come from God.
Our free children’s Bible curriculum will help teach your children that when they come to Jesus, place their faith in Him, and accept Him into their hearts, they become a new creation. They are seated at the right hand of the Father in heavenly places with Christ. The value of something is determined by the price that someone is willing to pay for it. The price that was paid for your children was the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of the most high God.
When your children get a hold of this truth with our free children’s Bible curriculum, they will see that they have infinite value in the Father. That their lives matter. That they are called, and that God has a plan and purpose for their lives. That it doesn’t matter what the world thinks of them, because God has accepted them and loves them, and that will never change.
And even should they fail or mess up, God still loves them and still wants them. He’s placed them on top so that it doesn’t have to be about striving to be on top anymore. It can be about living in a relationship with Him. Our free children’s Bible curriculum will help your children see this.
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