Best Children’s Bible Curriculum

Best Children’s Bible Curriculum

Best Children’s Bible Curriculum

One of the most important things we can do as teachers and parents is to train up children in the Bible. Even from a young age, God’s Word can greatly impact their lives and help them move forward in the plans that He has for them.

We created Bible Blast to be the best children’s Bible curriculum available. Crafted with hours of planning and prayer, Bible Blast is a resource that propels children forward in their walks with God and sets them up to lead lives of freedom and victory. When it comes to your children’s Christian education, we know that you want to help them as much as possible. To help you make an informed decision about our curriculum, we put together a free sample for you that you can sign up for here.

What Makes a Great Children’s Bible Curriculum? 

If you’re actively searching for a children’s Bible curriculum to use at your home or Church, there are a few things that you can keep in mind to help you make the right decision. Here are some of the traits of a great children’s Bible curriculum.

The Best Bible Curriculums Are Easy to Understand 

In order for a Bible curriculum to be effective, it must first be easy to understand. Because of this, it’s important that any children’s Bible curriculum you consider was created in such a way that it will be easily digestible by those it was written for.

Written With the Correct Audience In Mind
The best Bible curriculums are the ones that are written with a thorough understanding of the audience that they’re being created for. As you’re searching for the right Bible curriculum, try to think back to when you were first learning the Bible. Ask yourself if the information you’re reviewing would have been easy for you yourself to understand as a child. If not, you should try to find a curriculum that’s better suited for the demographic you plan on instructing.

Focus on the Heart of the Message
A big part of making something easy to understand is not placing the emphasis on the wrong things as you’re teaching. Excellent children’s Bible curriculums will make things easier to understand by keeping the main focus of each message on the core truth that is being taught. In doing so, children are far more likely to remember what they’ve learned.

Use Simple Language
Another trait you should consider is the type of language that is being used throughout the Bible curriculum you’re considering. If children aren’t able to comprehend the words being spoken to them then they’ll have much more difficult time taking hold of the spiritual truths of each lesson.

Give Physical and Visual Examples
One of the keys to making something easy to understand is not depending solely upon words but also providing examples. It’s been proven that seeing and experiencing something rather just hearing it greatly increases retention of the subject matter that was covered.

Great Bible Curriculums Are Fun and Engaging

If there’s one thing that children love, it’s fun! By nature, children have incredible imaginations and love learning about and exploring new things. Great Bible curriculums don’t try to suppress these things. Rather, they work with them in order to maximize the effectiveness of their learning materials. If the curriculums you’re looking into exhibit any of the following things, then they might not be suited for a younger audience.

Poor Pacing
Whenever you’re bored, it becomes far more difficult to learn and stay focused. Children are notorious for having shorter attention spans than adults. Because of this, it’s extremely important that you choose a children’s Bible curriculum that is paced in accordance with the audience. If each lesson is meant to take a full hour or two then you’re in dangering of losing your audience before you’re able to drive home the spiritual truths that you wanted to.

Lack of Context
A clear indicator that a Bible curriculum isn’t suited for a younger age range is that the lessons fail to provide context and work with the assumption that those learning already have a basic understanding of a number of different biblical areas. When instructing any classroom for any subject, every student will be at a different level. For this reason, it’s important to lay a basic groundwork at the beginning of each Bible lesson in order to make things easier to understand.

Mature Subject Matter
Another indicator that a Bible curriculum might not be suited for the age range you’re teaching is a subject matter that is too mature. Children that are too young for the content being discussed might not be able to understand the concepts being covered.

The Best Bible Curriculums Encourage Personal Spiritual Growth

It’s one thing to sit down and have a Bible lesson, it’s another thing entirely to grow and develop spiritually. The best Bible curriculums are focused on personal spiritual growth, and not head knowledge alone. As you’re looking for the right Bible curriculum for your children, we encourage you to think in the long term.

Does the Bible curriculum you’re considering encourage children to pursue God on their own time? Does it lead them to have a personal relationship with God rather than viewing Christianity as nothing more than a bunch of rules to be followed? The incredible thing about God’s Word is that it can begin transforming lives, even at a young age. And the transformation that begins when children are young will continue to have an impact on the rest of their lives.

Bible Curriculums Should Cover Essential Topics 

Children love stories, and the Bible is filled with plenty of great stories that are filled with amazing spiritual truths that every child can benefit from. Bible curriculums can use these stories as wonderful teaching opportunities for children.

As mentioned previously, children are imaginative and creative! Engaging Bible stories are the perfect way to cover all of the essential topics that they need to learn in order to lead successful lives. Look for a Bible curriculum that uses Bible stories as the backbone to teach children without missing important topics.

Great Bible Curriculums Have a Logical Structure 

An important thing to be mindful of when choosing a Bible curriculum is the way that it is structured. With the curriculum’s audience in mind, it’s important to find a curriculum that is structured in a way that is conducive for them to learn. If a Bible curriculum doesn’t seem to have a logical structure or uses unclear stories and analogies, it might not be suited for your needs.

The Best Bible Curriculums Are Cost Friendly 

If there’s one thing you shouldn’t be afraid to splurge on, it’s your children’s spiritual education. However, cost is still an important factor to consider when purchasing any type of curriculum. If you’re teaching a larger group and the course you’re considering is too pricey in order to procure enough resources for all of the children, then you may need to consider using another option.

Great Bible Curriculums Are Easy to Integrate Into a Busy Routine 

In this day and age, life feels incredibly busy. With work, school, sports, and church functions, it can sometimes be difficult to focus on devoting time to your children’s Christian education. One of the great things about many children’s Bible curriculums is that the lessons are split into short sections that are easy to find time for, even when you’ve already got a full schedule.

As you’re shopping for your curriculum, find one that you’re willing to commit to. Even if this means choosing one with lessons that you can do in five or ten minutes. It’s better to consistently teach your children the Bible all throughout their formative years rather than only doing so for a few weeks or months.

Well-Planned Bible Curriculums Are Highly Successful 

When looking for a children’s Bible curriculum, keep in mind that well-planned Bible curriculums are highly successful! If you have any doubts about the curriculum you’re considering, do some poking around online to find reviews from other families or teachers that have used to the curriculum. Nowadays, you can find reviews on almost anything, so it certainly doesn’t hurt to seek some out for the resource that you’re thinking of using.

The Best Bible Curriculums Empower Parents and Teachers 

If you’re new to teaching children, the process can seem very intimidating! Good Bible curriculums help alleviate the stress and burden from parents and teachers by empowering them with great lesson plans that are filled with memorable stories, scripture verses to memorize, and educational games to play. Thank you for reading these tips!

If you’re interested in learning more about our children’s Bible curriculum, Bible Blast, you can sign up for a free sample here. Bible Blast was created with ALL of these tips in mind in order to provide parents and teachers with a fantastic resource that they’ll be able to use to train up children with for years to come.
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