Best Bible Lessons for 7 Year Olds

Kids Bible Curriculum

Best Bible Lessons for 7 Year Olds

Teaching Bible Lessons to 7-Year-Olds

Finding new ways to teach Bible lessons to kids can be difficult. Keeping them engaged and making sure they understand what is being taught are the goals – but how do you accomplish this with 7-year-olds? Appealing to the different learning styles of all children by incorporating them into activities based on the Bible lessons is how they will learn. Come along with us as we navigate what this looks like.

So, what are the best Bible lessons for 7-year-olds? At the age of 7, children are being introduced to higher levels of thinking, like cause and effect, and creating inferences by connecting what they already know with new information. The best Bible lessons for 7-year-olds are lessons that include:

  • Diving Deeper Into the Stories
  • Fostering Individual Growth
  • Implementing Multisensory Instruction

Taking this information and relating it to teaching Bible lessons is easy with Bible Blast. The Bible Blast curriculum provides you with all the information you need to engage the kids while they expand upon stories they already know.

Diving Deeper Into the Stories

Best Bible Lessons for KidsBy the age of 7, children can remember the stories of David and Goliath, Jonah and the Whale, and Daniel in the Lions’ Den.

As they enter into a new stage of their learning in school, you can now take their understanding of these stories and expand upon it – finding a deeper meaning.

Activities that recall memory are a good place to start. Play a game that makes them remember who Daniel was and why he was thrown into the Lions’ Den – then take time to talk about the why.

Ask the kids to interact with you and infer the reason behind the “why.” This will keep them engaged, questioning the purpose of the story, and allowing them to start thinking individually.

Bible Blast provides such activities for you and helps you ask questions that will prompt the children to invest their thinking when finding an answer. 

Fostering Individual Growth

Oftentimes, the church can help children practice what they are learning in school, sometimes with less pressure and more freedom. At the age of 7, kids are beginning to understand how one thing can cause something else to happen, how to think for themselves, and how to use what they learn in school in other areas of life.

Taking this knowledge and applying it to Biblical lessons gives kids the freedom to explore their imagination – with less fear of being “wrong.” When diving deeper, when exploring the why, allow the kids time to process on their own or with a partner before sharing with the group. This environment sparks creativity and new perspectives for the kids to experience.

Bible Blast curriculum contains guidelines on how to foster the right level of discussion for kids while keeping them engaged and enjoying the lesson.

Implementing Multisensory Instruction

7-year-olds are still young and need activities and movement to help keep them engaged. Using the multisensory instruction method helps reach kids with all different learning styles and helps them develop their learning weaknesses and strengths.

The multisensory instruction method employs the use of teaching that appeals to more than one sense at a time. This means that a lesson will involve touch, movement, hearing, and sight. Starting a Bible lesson with an activity that requires movement and hearing – like around the world is, a great way to engage with the kids.

Bible Blast gives you access to countless ideas, questions, activities, discussions, and more. Trying to teach at a 7-year-old level is not a problem with this great Sunday school curriculum.

Learn More About Bible Blast Curriculum

Whether you are looking for lessons to teach at home or in a group setting – Bible Blast offers both! Take the guessing game out of engaging with 7-year-olds and order your Bible Blast curriculum today. 

Sometimes we forget how a child thinks, what their knowledge-base is, and how we can relate to them. Bible Blast has created lessons specifically for children at the age of 7. It mirrors the information they are learning at school and gives them space to practice and improve, all while creating a strong Christian foundation.

If you are interested in learning more about Bible Blast and its products, we encourage you to explore our website or chat with us online. We’re so excited for you to start this journey with us!

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